Would you rather be a villain or a hero for a day? Well now is the time to create the symbol/logo for your hero/villain.


A superhero logo is a visual symbol used to represent a superhero. It is typically designed to be used on a variety of media, such as clothing, merchandise, and marketing materials. A good superhero logo should be easily recognizable and memorable, and it should be able to convey the superhero's personality and theme.


Here are some tips for creating a superhero logo:


  1. Start by sketching out your ideas. This will help you get a sense of what your logo might look like and how it might evolve as you work on it.
  2. Consider the color scheme of your logo. Colors can have a strong impact on the overall look and feel of your logo, so choose wisely.
  3. Think about the shape of your logo. A circular shape can be seen as friendly and approachable, while a more angular shape might be seen as more serious or powerful.
  4. Use negative space to your advantage. Negative space is the empty space around and between the elements of your logo. It can be used to create visual interest and balance.
  5. Keep it simple. A cluttered or overly complex logo can be difficult to understand and remember. Aim for a clean, straightforward design that clearly communicates your superhero's identity.
  6. Test your logo out in different contexts. See how it looks on a t-shirt, a poster, or a website. This will help you get a feel for how your logo will be perceived by others.

You need to come up with a name for this individual superhero/villain character or organization (think of the fantastic 4 or avengers). 

(you can use this name generator) if you can't come up with one on your own. 


First sketch your hero/villain logo design in your sketchbook. I want to see several iterations (variations) of your sketches before you can move to working on the them using Illustrator. 6-8 iterations at least.


Think about the relationship of the logo you create and the character you are creating it for.


What are the characteristics of hero/villain?

Do they fly, strength, laser vision, speed, etc.

Shapes that may be associated with the character, colors etc.


Use your iPad to photograph the sketches you did and post them to your Portfolio.


Write a brief description about who your character is. What are their abilities and why you chose to design the logo the way you did.


Submit the "published URL" of your website to onCampus.



Examples of Hero Logos/Symbols

Snowboard Design

Create a colorful snowboard design by following the tutorial below.


This will teach you how to create your own brushes and patters that will be very helpful in the projects that follow.


You do not have to use the specific colors they suggest. Make it your own. 


Snowboard Tutorial:         Video Version Tutorial

After you are done with the design of your snowboard, dowload the link below to "Cut" the shape of your board to the necessary shape.


New Link

Save your artwork as "Snowboard Art".

You will need to group all of your artwork before cutting your shape.

Open the link in Illustrator. Copy the line drawing and paste it into your artwork artboard. You will have to resize the board outline to the size of your artwork and place it on top of your work.

Once the outline is on top of your art hold shift and select your artwork. (both the outline and our art will be selected).

Hold down the command key on your keyboard and press the number 7. This should crop all of the work to fit the shape of the snowboard.


Caution: Before saving make sure you rename the artwork as "Snowboard Crop" or it will overwrite the original!

Export both the artwork and the cropped work as PNGs and post on your portfolio with a reflection about the process and tools used.




Project Description:

A) Describe the challenges you experienced maintaining a proper mindset while working on this project.
i.e., Curiosity, time management, impulse management, persistence & preparation, ability to collaborate
1. What were your challenges and why?
2. What strategies could you use to improve?

B) Describe your ability to explore creative solutions while working on this project.
I.e., Ability to understand the expectations of the project, ability to find information to solve the challenges presented, ability to derive multiple solutions, ability to verify and test your work, ability to self reflect on your progress.
Thinking Skills:
1. What were your challenges and why?
2. What strategies could you use to improve?

C) Describe your ability to improve upon your content knowledge and skills during this project.
I.e., Ability to expand on prior knowledge, use appropriate materials, develop new technical skills and procedures and understand how the work of the project can improve your overall performance and understanding.
Expertise Development:

1. What were your challenges and why?

2. What strategies could you use to improve?