Book Jacket ReDesign

Images can be powerful ways of communicating. People instinctively respond to images based on their personalities, associations, and previous experience. Graphic designers use this instinctive response to visually communicate ideas and information.


You are a book publisher. Book publishers design and publish book covers, print stories etc. Your job is to design an original book jacket for a novel book you have read. Or, you may go to the Library and find a book that you think needs a cover upgrade. (If you go the direction of the un known book please keep in mind all of the necessary information that will be needed for the completion of the cover, (see Below).)


Graphic designers need to think about the goal of the images they create. A book cover design should not only give the viewer an idea of the content and mood of the book, but should also be eye-catching to encourage people browsing a library or a bookstore to pick up a book they may not be familiar with.


Think about the message they want to convey with you book cover and write a short proposal about what you hope your book cover will convey.

For example, in Esperanza Rising, a proposal might look like:

Pam Munoz Ryan’s Esperanza Rising is a story about a well-to-do Mexican girl who had to begin a new life in the farm fields of California. Despite all of her misfortune and hard work, Esperanza Rising is a story about hope for a bright future. The book cover for this story should show her background in Mexico and her hard work in the fields, but the mood should still be uplifting.

Share your share with a classmate who has read your book and discuss the merits of the idea.

  • Do you agree with their summary of what should be included on the cover?
  • Do you agree with the mood they have chosen?
  • What images might they use?

Make any revisions and submit your proposal for your review with your teacher.




On the Front Cover

· the class decided the cover must have:

ü   the author’s name and illustrator (if there is one)

ü   the title of book

ü   an illustration that includes “action” images that directly connect to the story as you understand it – it can be in black and white or color

ü  Optional -awards the book has received – feel free to make-up your own to honor the book in some way

ü   Optional – the price of the book


On the Inside Left Flap or the Inside Right Flap

 · Write biographical information about the author and illustrator

(if there is one).

ü  Summarize important parts of the author’s life.


On the Back Cover

· You must have:

ü  a summary of the story

-do not give away too much information.

-do not give away the ending

ü  a brief book review

-why should your classmates read the book

ü  the ISBN number with bar code.

ü  the price

ü  your publisher/publishing companies name including and an original logo

ü  Optional -an illustration

ü  Optional –a recommendation to read the story from friends and family who have read the book

ü  Optional -a passage from the book to give a taste to the writing style

On the Spine

· You must have:

ü  title of the book.

ü  the author’s name and illustrator (if there is one).

ü  your publisher/publishing company name and logo

ü  Optional -an illustration or symbol.


·      Due Date for Rough Draft: Thursday, March 3rd

    Due Date for Published Copies: Monday, March 14th 



***Use your novel as a model, but make sure the book jacket you are making is your own work. Do not copy summaries, the author’s biography, or the reviews. Make sure the illustrations and ideas are the work of your very own successful publishing company. Enjoy!