Mountain Valley Trail Association Logo

Create a Logo for the Mountain Valley Trail Association.

This should be simple and to the point.

Create both a color logo and a black and white logo (they can be the same design).

Save them as PNG or PDF format and upload them to the link below.


Department Logo Design

Create a logo for:
Radio Station
...and another version of  Unleashed Media Productions
Unleashed is an online content creation and distribution service for student-created work.
We will host audio libraries for all genres, tutorials, and an audio streaming service/radio that
will be programmed by our DJs.  Several Podcast series have started in addition to a Radio Drama program.
We hope to expand this to include video, photography and more if others are interested.
The philosophy behind this all is to create a tool that allows for real-world application for learning.
It is in a sense a business run by students.  We are Unleashing our art and our learning...

BBA Food Truck (Due Nov 22)

Okay Folks, This is it, the moment you have all been waiting for.

The design of the BBA Food Truck!


You as Studio Level Graphic Design Students are commissioned to create the design for the exterior of the New BBA Food Truck.


This is a BIG design challenge. 


You are tasked to create designs for the Front back and two sides of the truck


Simple Food Tuck Mockup

Use this LINK to get to the Food Truck Mockup.



Explore different food truck designs for ideas.

Put together a list of at least 6 questions that you will ask Lani and Sarah about what their food truck is all about and what sort of design ideas that they may have for the truck.

Font style



Menu or no menu etc.


Be more specific than these.


When you are a designer you need to take into consideration the budget of your clients. For this reason I want you to research the different types of ways a truck can be designed, wrapped or painted and the cost for each. This is so that you can be "Empathetic" with your clients needs.


We will be doing three sessions of this.

  1. First to meet Lani and Sarah and get our first ideas
  2. Second to share our first set of ideas (three refined ideas each) and get any feedback from Lani and Sarah
  3. Third make final revisions to one design. Present to Lani and Sarah


You MUST create sketches for this project! NOT on the computer but in your Sketchbook. 


You have been hired to create a New Logo.
Looking for a logo for the new Radio Station
...and another version of  Unleashed Media Productions
Thinking of keeping it clean... maybe a dog leash attached, cool font
We are asking for submissions and will choose the best of the best.
Class project?  Individual Students?
I may have more logo requests for the Podcasts.
Unleashed is an online content creation and distribution service for student-created work.
We will host audio libraries for all genres, tutorials, and an audio streaming service/radio that
will be programmed by our DJs.  Several Podcast series have started in addition to a Radio Drama program.
We hope to expand this to include video, photography and more if others are interested.
The philosophy behind this all is to create a tool that allows for real-world application for learning.
It is in a sense a business run by students.  We are Unleashing our art and our learning...
Create a logo for this. 
Upload all sketches interations and final design on both your portfolio and into this folder to share with Mr. Freebern